Water Line Lead Inspection
The Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency have instructed us to inspect every water service line entering residences and businesses for the presence of lead. These inspections must be completed by the end of September. Details

Zoning Board of Appeals


The Zoning Board of Apeals meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm, as needed.

Board Members:

Kimberly Gebo, Chairperson 1/2022
Brad Hall- 12/2021
Mark Wollschleger- 12/2021
Don Bowe- 5/2022

Bryan Bricco- 1/2020 
Christel Daggett, Secretary



October- draft not approved



03.08.24 Draft 






The ZBA contains 5 members plus one alternate, all appointed by the Mayor. They are not a legislative body, but are a quasi-judicial body given specific authority by the State. They must follow specific procedural requirements contained in Village and General Municipal Law.


Upcoming Meetings:

Town Hall