Water Line Lead Inspection
The Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency have instructed us to inspect every water service line entering residences and businesses for the presence of lead. These inspections must be completed by the end of September. Details

FOIL Requests


The Village Clerk has been designated by the Village Board as the Records Management Officer and Records Access Officer.  If you would like to obtain a copy of any Village record, a written FOIL request must be submitted to the Village Clerk's office describing the information that is being requested.  The Village Clerk's office must acknowlegde receipt of the FOIL request within 5 days of receiving the request.  Within that acknowledgement to the requestor, the Village Clerk's office must specify an approximate date when the requested documents will be available.  The Village Clerk's office has 20 business days from the date of acknowledgement to fulfill the FOIL request.

There will be a charge of .25 per page. 


Records Management Officer / Records Access Officer

Donna Wollschleger


(585) 657-7554


Office Hours:

Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm