Water Line Lead Inspection
The Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency have instructed us to inspect every water service line entering residences and businesses for the presence of lead. These inspections must be completed by the end of September. Details

ACH direct debit (for water, sewer, and/or taxes) application

Complete the application below and select the Submit button. The information you provide will be automatically sent to the village. A village representative will then contact you.

For complete details about this form click here.


YES! I would like to participate in the Village of Bloomfield's free Direct Debit Payment Program and make my water and sewer payments and/or taxes automatically.

I authorize the Village of Bloomfield to initiate entries to my checking/savings account for my water and sewer payment each quarter to pay my bill automatically. This authority will reamain in effect until I notify you in writing to cancel it in such time as to afford the Village of Bloomfield reasonable opportunity to act on it. I can stop payment of any entry by notifying my financial instutition 3 days before my account is charged.

NOTE: After submitting this application you must bring a voided check for a checking account or a savings deposit ticket for a savings account to the Village office for this application to be fully processed.

The account to be debited is a (select one):

Please debit my account the 15th of the month for: *

Draw your signature in the space below using a mouse, stylus, or your finger.